Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Watch The Happening Megavideo Movie for Free in HD

Stream The Happening Movie Online Streaming No Downloading and paying anything. The Happening is Drama,Mystery & Suspense,Science Fiction & Fantasy Movie and released on Jun 11, 2008 Wide on Theatres. Now, You able to stream this leaked Drama,Mystery & Suspense,Science Fiction & Fantasy movie streaming free in HD within . Lady in the Water director M. Night Shyamalan puts PG-13 suspense on pause to tell this grim apocalyptic tale about a family fleeing a natural disaster that poses a grave threat to the whole of humanity. Philadelphia high-school science teacher Elliot Moore (Mark Wahlberg) is discussing the disappearance of the bees with his students when the staff is summoned to the theater and briefed about a mysterious event that is currently unfolding in New York City. According to reports, citizens in the vicinity of Central Park have suddenly and inexplicably begun seizing up just before killing themselves by whatever means are at their disposal. As the phenomena begins to spread and talk of terrorism fills the airwaves, Elliot, his wife, Alma (Zooey Deschanel), their friend Julian (John Leguizamo), and his daughter, Jess (Ashlyn Sanchez), board a train bound for the presumed safety of the country. When the train screeches to a halt before arriving at its final destination, however, the frightened passengers are forced to fend for themselves as each consecutive news report paints an increasingly grim picture of the situation in more urbanized areas. Theories abound on what could be causing the unexplainable rash of suicides, but the only thing that everyone seems to agree on is that it's some kind of airborne contagion that is carried in the wind. It would appear that humankind's reign on planet Earth has come to an end, but perhaps if this small band of survivors can find a safe place to lie low until this all blows over, all hope for survival of the species might not be lost just yet. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi .If You Like this movie you can streaming The Happening movie No downloading HERE This movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan and writed by M. Night Shyamalan

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The Happening Movie Actor

Mark Wahlberg,Zooey Deschanel,John Leguizamo,Ashlyn Sanchez,Betty Buckley,Spencer Breslin,Robert Bailey Jr.,Frank Collison,Jeremy Strong,Alan Ruck,Victoria Clark,Alison Folland,M. Night Shyamalan,Kristen Connolly,Cornell Womack,Curtis L. McClarin,Robert Lenzi,Derege Harding,Kerry O'Malley,Shayna Levine
Rating & Critics From Visitor For The Happening User Rating The Happening Movie : 2.7
User Percentage For The Happening Movie : %
User Count Like for The Happening Movie : 339,622
All Critical Rating For The Happening Movie : 4
All Critical Count For The Happening Movie : 173
All Critical Percentage For The Happening Movie : 17 %

Genres The Happening Movie : Drama,Mystery & Suspense,Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Happening Movie Review

[A]n astonishment, so idiotic in conception and inept in execution that, after seeing it, one almost wonders whether it was real or imagined.
Christopher Orr-The New Republic

The Happening is an awful letdown, yet it leaves you with something new, as a gently waving tree -- that classical image of pastoral tranquillity -- mutates into a harbinger of doom.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

For a movie with the potential for so much global-warming electricity, it's disappointingly low on voltage.
Rex Reed-New York Observer

It almost dares you to roll your eyes or laugh at certain scenes that are supposed to be deadly serious. But, you know what, I appreciated this creatively offbeat, daring sci-fi mind-trip.
Richard Roeper-Ebert & Roeper

All that's missing is the head alien of Plan 9 From Outer Space dropping by to lecture the populace for disrespecting nature: 'Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!'
David Edelstein-New York Magazine

Feeble gust of an environmental horror story.
Richard Corliss-TIME Magazine

Wahlberg is atrocious, as wooden as the trees terrorising him.
Ali Gray-TheShiznit.co.uk

Horror film is long on peril, but thin on plot.
James Rocchi-Common Sense Media

Shot in the inimitable Shyamalan lugubriousness
Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion

Shyamalan sve lo%u0161ije reagira na gubitak statusa holivudskog bo%u017Eanstva
Dragan Antulov-Index.hr

Seeing The Happening is like going on an outing with an earnest person, who happens to be a drunk. Every time it starts to make sense, it slurs its speech and starts dropping things -- such as coherence and credibility.
Tony Macklin-Fayetteville Free Weekly

More than anything, what bothers me about it is a sense of cheapness that ... centrally comes from a concept mainly built for shock value.
Jeffrey Chen-Window to the Movies

Undoubtedly M. Night Shyamalan's weakest thriller to date...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

While not as laughable as the narcissistic Lady in the Water ,it fails just as miserably as narrative and even more miserably with its flat characters and tone deaf dialogue.
Brian Holcomb-CinemaBlend.com

It's a great idea. A silent, unknown killing machine knocking people off while a science teacher tries to figure out why. But it just didn't work.
Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review

Shyamalan's latest is an improvement, but a full-fledged comeback ain't happening.
Todd Gilchrist-IGN Movies

Shyamalan is a master at a visual iconic moment - but the "filler" (you might have learned about it in English class by this name: "story") gets weaker and weaker every film.
Karina Montgomery-Cinerina

The M. Knight brilliance is there in quick jolts of suspense and terror, but those moments are the exception in this otherwise flat little thriller.
Lori Hoffman-Atlantic City Weekly

Shyamalan's religious ideas are a lot like Bush's: Nearly theology free.
Stephen Himes-Film Snobs

M. Night Shyamalan offers up low-intensity thrills that fail to match the shivery shudders of his best work (THE SIXTH SENSE, SIGNS). His patented approach - mixing domestic drama with horror - plays out on a much larger canvas.
Steve Biodrowski-Cinefantastique

It is the first film of his career that feels incompetent and utterly gratuitous at times.
David Poland-Movie City News

Shyamalan creates another urban myth with this slow burning thriller. But it never quite comes to life, due to stiff directing and acting
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

Usually Shyamalan can hide his limitations as a screenwriter behind his skill as a director. Here, that skill fails him as well, and the whole movie falls apart.
Michael Dance-The Cinema Source

Un nuevo fiasco de M. Night Shyamalan, que sigue siendo un director con ideas interesantes (tanto argumentales como visuales) pero que necesita urgentemente la ayuda de un buen guionista.
Enrique Buchichio-Uruguay Total

Holy Mother of God...this is awful.
Bob Grimm-Reno News and Review

The Happening Film Picture

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