Pride and Glory Movie Actor
Edward Norton,Colin Farrell,Jon Voight,Noah Emmerich,Jennifer Ehle,John Ortiz,Shea Whigham,Frank Grillo,Lake Bell,Rick Gonzalez,Wayne Duvall,Carmen Ejogo,Manny Perez,Maximiliano Hernandez,Leslie Denniston,Hannah Riggins,Carmen Lo Porto,Lucy Grace Ellis,Ryan Simpkins,Ty SimpkinsRating & Critics From Visitor For Pride and Glory User Rating Pride and Glory Movie : 3.3
User Percentage For Pride and Glory Movie : %
User Count Like for Pride and Glory Movie : 77,883
All Critical Rating For Pride and Glory Movie : 5
All Critical Count For Pride and Glory Movie : 153
All Critical Percentage For Pride and Glory Movie : 35 %
Genres Pride and Glory Movie : Drama,Kids & Family
Pride and Glory Movie Review
What it lacks in subtlety and intelligence it makes up in violence, brutishness, and hackneyed story lines. These are qualities best enjoyed at home.Jonathan F.
Bloody, violent and increasingly derivative, 'Pride and Glory' betrays its initial promise as a small-scale, 'Godfather'-esque social tapestry with crude plotting, variable acting and an all-too-guessable storyline and conclusion.
Wally Hammond-Time Out
It's yet another movie about familial strife in the New York City Police Department. If you think you've seen it all before, you have.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor
Pride and Glory is full of interesting little grace notes, and the cast is excellent, yet it grows more and more frustrating. It has everything going for it except a story that doesn't send the audience out miles ahead of the plot developments.
Michael Phillips-Chicago Tribune
Pride's only saving grace is Edward Norton, whose mere presence raises the level of a film several notches. But it's unclear why he lately has chosen such worn-out material.
Claudia Puig-USA Today
There's nothing really wrong with Pride and Glory, apart from an excessive degree of brutality, but there's nothing terribly revelatory about it either.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it can make for some awfully dull films. The line between inspiration and imitation is fine crossed repeatedly. Pride and Glory isn't the worst offender, just the latest.
No button remains unpushed, no shred of scenery remains unshredded and no F-bomb remains unuttered.
Matt Soergel-Florida Times-Union
Pride and Glory doesn't add anything to the generic crooked-cop procedural that we haven't seen with more verve in better movies.
Sonny Bunch-Washington Times
This predictable police corruption story with an A-list cast explores themes of family and honesty as two cop brothers uncover the dirt on their brother-in-law's violent activity, while senior cop Dad tries to keep things under control.
Simon Weaving-Screenwize
Uma pena que o filme jamais consiga escapar realmente do lugar comum, implodindo de vez em seu terrível terceiro ato.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena
Hard to watch, hard to listen to and hard to follow.
Jim Schembri-The Age (Australia)
The actors in Pride and Glory do their best with this cliched material, but the film is so grim, ugly and miserable that it's difficult to sympathise with even the most positive characters.
David Stratton-The Australian
I thought this film was a mess.
Julie Rigg-MovieTime, ABC Radio National
As a drama, Pride and Glory is too glum, and worse, it doesn't convince.
Jarrod Walker-FILMINK (Australia)
Director and co-writer Gavin O'Connor is the son of a former New York policeman, and displays a strong grasp of the familial and fraternal ties that bind his characters together.
Leigh Paatsch-Daily Telegraph (Australia)
While its kinetic appeal does have a numbing - if temporary effect - on your critical faculties, television has been much more successful in claiming this territory as its own.
Sandra Hall-Sydney Morning Herald
Relentlessly dour, filled with unsympathetic characters, and made out of cardboard melodrama. It's the last of those sins that is unforgivable. [Blu-ray]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews
It's predictable, it's also escapist entertainment.
Urban Cinefile Critics-Urban Cinefile
...only skims the surface of its characters and offers nothing new in the way of corrupt law enforcement.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis
Elevated by superb performances, led by Edward Norton and a very chilling Colin Farrell.
What's especially lamentable is that this movie strands yet another exemplary turn by Edward Norton, who once again is superior to the material surrounding him.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing
Pride and Glory is a bleak, boring and hopelessly familiar corrupt cop story that simply does not work despite the determined, top-of-their-game efforts of O'Connor and Norton, not to mention Colin Farrell, Jon Voight and others.
Todd Gilchrist-IGN Movies
A well-acted and tightly structured piece that would be more impactful if there weren't a feeling that we've seen it before.
Helen OHara-Empire Magazine
Pride and Glory Film Picture